Managementul crizei
“Leadership-ul este singura corabie singura pe timp de furtuna.” (Faye Wattleton)
We believe that organizations exist primarily to serve the purposes and aspirations of their members and the community in which they operate. Organizations are therefore responsible for creating a culture in which people can manifest freely according to their own values, an environment in which they feel encouraged to use their skills and knowledge to achieve both individual and organizational goals. In this way, their work acquires significance and the time spent at work is no longer measured in hours, but in meaning and contribution.
In this context, our mission is to develop people and organizations.
Therefore, we are doing our best to find the most suitable candidates for our clients, we support employees who attend our training or coaching sessions to find ways to maintain balance, to capitalize their strenghts and improve their weaknesses, in order to obtain high performance results.
We also help companies to define and build constructive organizational cultures, having as a central value the freedom (autonomy) of their employees.
“Leadership-ul este singura corabie singura pe timp de furtuna.” (Faye Wattleton)
Feedback-ul pozitiv este deseori agreabil, dar feedback-ul negativ este întodeauna util. Christophe Andre
Secretul și farmecul vieții noastre nu stau în lipsa unui conflict, ci în hotărârea și priceperea noastră de a-l rezolva.
A vorbi despre comunicare este la îndemâna oricui, orice formare ar avea la bază. Dar a încerca să sintetizezi aspectele